Federico Martellozzo Geografia economica GIS arcolab ricerca consulenza formazione research training consultancy

Local Development

Research Fellow

Federico Martellozzo

Federico Martellozzo obtained a Ph.D. in Political and Economic Geography from the University of Trieste in 2010. His research interests focus on human/environment interaction and could be characterized as Social-Ecological Systems’ Sustainability. Federico is particularly interested in the study of land development and resource consumption over time, especially in regards of the complex global environmental change, which unfortunately can results in critical land-use transitions with harmful consequences for both population and the environment.

In 2010 he was awarded the CBIE Postdoctoral Fellowship to conduct sustainability-related research at McGill University.

In conclusion, his academic activities are primarily driven by questions regarding how to adapt modern human development life-style to more sustainable paradigms, in order to preserve Earth’s resilience while supporting equitable and resilient human development.

Federico is currently Assistant Professor of Economic and Politcal Geography at the University of Florence within the Dept. of Economics and Management.


Local Development - Research Fellow

Mail: federico.martellozzo@unifi.it

Linkedin: Federico Martellozzo