Circular Innovation & Sustainable Commodities

Accelerating the transition to a circular economy is the current challenge for institutions, cities, production districts, organisations and individuals.

Alongside the many virtuous initiatives at the micro level, increasingly systemic and integrated circular models for sustainability must be developed and established.

The transition requires overcoming regulatory constraints, providing resources and raising awareness at all levels of society. The local urban dimension is the one where the transition process can be facilitated: built-up areas can interpenetrate with productive and commercial activities and services, public green spaces can alternate with areas devoted to urban agriculture. It is in this context that local decision-makers must promote policies of innovation, regeneration and cohesion.


What is Circular Economy?

For a local administrator it is mainly connected to waste management. For an entrepreneur it can represent the opportunity to recover and reuse by-products and materials for his production process. An urban planner can consider it as a model of recovery and reuse of an empty building.

Circular Economy does not mean only reduction of waste. on the contrary it means enhancing what is considered waste can be used in an innovative way as second raw material or for the production of energy. But it also means rethinking cities and our lifestyles, with the promotion of social cohesion. 

Each step of a product’s life cycle, from the supply of raw materials and commodities to design, from manifacturing to distribution, must minimize the consumption of resources and at the same time the waste produced.

The Unit mainly operates in the following fields, click to know more:

Cities are the main drivers of economic development and the production districts introduce a bio-uniqueness principle among the urban and industrial dimension at a territorial level. The circular economy offers great opportunities for innovation and sustainability of cities and their production systems.

Circular transition at
urban level

Each step of a product’s life cycle, from the provision of raw materials and commodities to design, from production to distribution, must minimize the amount of resources and at the same time the waste produced.

production chains

Organisations engaged in sustainable practices should create a storytelling on a product or service in order to explain how it relates to circularity.

environment and quality

For further information please contact:

Leonardo Borsacchi
Unit Coordinator

Find out a selection of our projects

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Memorandum of Understanding for a hop garden for the production of ‘made in Prato’ craft beer

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FLOWTEX, fostering circular innovation and technology transfer in the textile district in Prato

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Development of the spices and seeds value chains to foster youth and women empowerment in Nepal

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RESET – Capitalizing on best practices to support the creation of green businesses in the Mediterranean

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Prato Circular City: the integrated strategy for the circular transition of the city of Prato


Sustainability of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) interventions for water treatment in agricultural contexts

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Reorganisation of agricultural cooperatives and optimisation of laboratory procedures for agricultural products in Lebanon

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Inserimento lavorativo e formazione in Economia Circolare, agricoltura e sostenibilità per i detenuti delle isole di Gorgona e Pianosa

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Project URGE and Circular Economy, technical and scientific support for the Municipality of Prato

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SIRCLES, fostering inclusive employment opportunities in the Circular Economy sector

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Peace Steps in Palestine : mid-term evaluation & Support to the creation of an Ethical Charter

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Need Analysis to promote the sustainability of small cocoa producer communities in Ecuador

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Promoting the sustainability of the sugar cane supply chain in El Salvador

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Need Analysis to foster the sustainability of cocoa beans farmers in Togo

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Evaluation of the promotion campaign for Piave DOP cheese in Austria, Germany and Italy

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Partnership for the Urban Agenda on Circular Economy, a European network

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Aloe Vera, a crop to revive the economy of Karak, Jordan

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Improving the sustainability in the cherry supply chain in Bulgaria and Turkey

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Towards the creation of a quality label for the cherries from the Bekaa Valley

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Improving quality management in a Palestinian date cooperative

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