Inclusive Development

Inclusive society as a starting point to achieve true and shared development

We are convinced that a development process is truly effective only when it manages to involve and include even the most vulnerable sections of society.

Precisely for this reason we support our clients by strengthening their ability to have a positive impact on society through the inclusion and participation of those individuals and groups who, for historical, political, social or economic reasons, are at risk of exclusion and marginalization.

Our action is based on the scientific rigor of our analysis and on listening to the many voices that can help understand the contexts in which we work. We use the results of research to encourage the design of policies, projects, programs and to define strategies aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the organizations we work with.

  • Applied research (quantitative and qualitative) on vulnerability, resilience and inclusion processes
  • Facilitation of participatory and emancipatory processes aimed at involving the various stakeholders with particular attention to people who have more difficulty making their voices heard
  • Analysis of needs and support for the design of policies, programs and projects
  • Support to the identification, analysis and scaling-up of experiences of excellence in the context of policies aimed at vulnerable groups
  • Ex-ante analysis (simulation) of the impact of various types of policies such as support programs, social protection schemes, investment in basic services etc.
  • Evaluation of the social impact with a view to improving the living conditions of the most vulnerable groups
  • Training and capacity building for students, researchers, officials of government institutions, staff of non-governmental organizations, associations and companies


Innovation in methodological approaches

In the academic context, we participate to the scientific debate on gender issues, disability, children well-being and human development. We promote rigorous and innovative methodologies for the socio-economic analysis of vulnerability and for the design of policies and services.

For example, in recent years we have studied the theoretical and empirical aspects of some methodologies and approaches such as emancipatory research and gender budgeting.

Emancipatory research is a participatory research and empowerment tool that we use in the context of vulnerability and social exclusion in order to exploit the acute analytical skills of marginalized subjects. Making emancipatory research means accompanying a group of people who belong to a vulnerable group in the development and implementation of a research project on their living conditions.

Gender budgeting allows to approach the complexity of public policies in order to assess the differentiated impact on women and men in the “multidimensional space” of well-being, defined as the set of capabilities and functionings of the individual. This approach brings about a significant change as it shifts the focus on the analysis of sector policies to the impact they have on the individual considered in its different dimensions.

For further information:

Federico Ciani, PhD
Coordinator of the Inclusive Development Unit
Expert in disability, resilience, and vulnerability


Caterina Arciprete, PhD
Senior Researcher
Expert in gender studies, child poverty, and social protection

Find out a selection of our projects on Inclusive Development

NEET vuolnerable youth giovani vulnerabili ricerca azione action research

Action-Research to assess the dimension of the NEET phenomenon in Tuscany

violenza di genere salute sessuale e riproduttiva gender based violence Oyam Uganda CUAMM valutazione

Evaluation of the project to improve community awareness and response to gender-based violence in Uganda

KAP gender based violence violenza sessuale di genre ricerca research Kenya

Research on knowledge, attitude, social norms and practice on reproductive health rights and gender-based violence in Narok county, in Kenya

sammontana empoli valdelsa giovani opportunità youth need analysis opportunities young people

Betting on the Future: Youth and Territory in the Empolese Valdelsa Municipalities

capacity building riammissione migrazione migraztion readmission admission Mediterranean IOM IOM

Capacity Building European Facility for the Readmission of Migrants – EURCAP, Final Evaluation

SROI valutazione Sudan evaluation cardiochirurgia surgery Karthoum

Final evaluation and SROI analysis of the project to train health personnel at the Salam Centre in Khartoum

employment tunisia inclusione lavorativa professionale emancipatory research ricerca emancipatoria VET

Action-research to foster the employment inclusion of persons with disabilities in Tunisia

empowerment mena paradox inclusione lavoro donne women inclusion work

What Women Want: women’s empowerment and aspirations in MENA countries.

accessibility health services accessibilità servizi sanitarimalattie non trasmissibili non communicable diseases inclusive development sviluppo inclusivo

Exploratory research on accessibility of health services in Mozambique

injob disabilities disabilità work lavoro inserimento lavorativo inclusione sviluppo inclusivo labour accessibility

Action-Research to foster labour accessibility for young people with disabilities in Kenya

vulnerabili donne women sviluppo inclusivo myanmar inclusive development

Evaluation of the project that aims to improve the health of the most vulnerable in Myanmar

boyhood global initiative stereotipi genere bambini inclusione ricerca azione

Action-Research for the Global Boyhood Initiative on stereotypes, gender roles and bullying

vinil inclusione disabilità lavoro disability work inclusion job placement

VINIL – employability assessment for persons with disabilities

Food wave sustainabl consumption youth consumo sotenibile cibo monitoraggio monitoring

Food Wave, Monitoring the project that promotes sustainable food consumption among young Europeans

disabilità disability ricerca emancipatoria emancipatory research

Nothing About Us Without Us: Emancipatory Research and Strategic Plan on disability in Palestine

cantieri della salute percrsipartecipativi socio sanitari toscana

Monitoring and evaluation of the participatory processes of Cantieri della Salute in Tuscany

inserimento lavorativo lavoro giovani bamako kayes mali sviluppo inclusivo ricerca work employment youth young

Market analysis to foster employment of young people in Mali

women donne donna salute riproduttiva sessuale sexual health community health insurance mutue sanitarie senegal

Action – Research to foster community health insurance for women in Sédhiou, Senegal

ricerca emancipatoria emancipatory research tanzania giovani con disabilità arco inclusive development sviluppo inclusivo

No One Left Behind: an Emancipatory Research for young people with disabilities in Tanzania

social board reddito inclusione REI PON progetto ricerca analisi sviluppo inclusivo inclusive development

Social Board a model to contrast social exclusion, the case of Prato

sviluppo inclusivo algeria capdel programma di incubazione dei progetti associativi per rafforzare lo sviluppo democratico partecipativo sviluppo inclusivo inclusive development

CapDeL: Incubation process for associative projects in Algeria

CapDeL progetto perla democrazia partecipativa e lo sviluppo locale per il miglioramento dell'accesso ai servizi pubblici e meccanismi di governance Algeria

CapDeL: la ricerca al servizio dello sviluppo locale sostenibile in Algeria

SPRAR valutazione progetti gestiti da ARCI Toscana esempi svluppo locale migrazione integrazione accoglienza

Evaluation of the SPRAR projects managed by ARCI Toscana

Need assessement oxfam Toscana

Need assessment to foster social inclusion in Tuscany

inclusive business

Promoting inclusive business and social entrepreneurship in Palestine

mongolia disabilità disabilities valutazione finale cbr Mongolia final evaluation arco arcolab

Final Evaluation of CBR Programme on disability and rights of persons with disabilities in Mongolia

inclusion women with disabilities ricerca emancipatoria inclusione donne in Palestina

Emancipatory Research as a participatory approach to foster inclusion of women with disabilities in Palestine

inclusione donne disabilità

Research and consultancy for the inclusion of women with disabilities in the Gaza Strip

gender-mainstreaming Senegal inclusive development sviluppo inclusivo

Action-Research for gender mainstreaming development in Senegal

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