Team ARCO’s Publications

Alongside with qualified consultancy services and intense fieldwork, ARCO Researchers also have a solid and constant academic activity. Very often, researchers and professors from ARCO Scientific Committee publish their work on important scientific reviews and journals of their sector and with the major publishing houses specialized in academic research.

Here you can explore all their publications, divided by field of expertise of each Unit!

Local Development

Encouraging sustainable human development by valuing local resources

China’s subnational policies and the performance of provinces towards meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
Biggeri M., Bortolotti L., Ferrannini A., Saccone D.; Regional Studies, Regional Science

The political economy of places from a Sustainable Human Development perspective: the case of Emilia-Romagna
Bianchi P., Biggeri M., Ferrannini A., Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society

Framing R&I for transformative change towards sustainable development in the European Union
Ferrannini A., Biggeri M.
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission)
Independent Expert Report
R&I Paper Series 2020/11

The Capability Approach, Empowerment and Participation
Clark, D., Biggeri, M. and Fredian, F., Palgrave Macmillan UK

Local communities and capability evolution: The core of human development processes
Biggeri, M., Ferrannini, A. and Arciprete, C., Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 126-146.

Ecotourism development in the central part of Vayots Dzor (Armenia): A Diagnostic research for local community empowerment
Borsacchi, L. and Ferrannini, A., in V. Cantino, F. Culasso and G. Racca (Eds.), Smart Tourism, McGraw-Hill Education, Milano.

Territorialità e sviluppo umano nella globalizzazione,
Biggeri, M. and Ferrannini, A., in V. Ianni (Ed.), Lo sviluppo nel XXI secolo. Concezioni, processi, sfide, Carrocci Editore, Roma.

Assessing aid effectiveness within a multilevel governance perspective: The case of a value chains project in rural Ethiopia
Biggeri, M., Ciani, F. and Ferrannini, A., European Journal of Development Research, 843-865.

Where change happens. Local governance to tackle multidimensional poverty and inequality
OXFAM and ARCO, Position Paper, Oxfam International

Opportunity gap analysis: procedures and methods for applying the capability approach in development initiatives
Biggeri, M., & Ferrannini, A., Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 15(1), 60-78.

Sustainable Human Development: A new territorial and people-centred perspective
Biggeri, M., & Ferrannini, A., Palgrave Macmillan, New York and Basingstoke.

Fostering the compliance of production processes in area with high incidence of ethnic entrepreneurship: the creation of a check-up tool in Prato industrial district
Borsacchi, L., Ferrannini, A. & Biggeri, M., in T. Sikora and J. Dziadkowiec (Eds.), Commodity Science in Research and Practice – Towards Quality – Management Systems and Solutions, Polish Society of Commodity Science, Cracow.

Circular Innovation & Sustainable Commodities

Agri-food supply that respects individuals and the environment

Measuring the compliance of management system in manufacturing SMEs: An integrated model
Biggeri M., Borsacchi L., Braito L., Ferrannini A.Journal of Cleaner Production

Handbook on Sustainable & Circular re-use of spaces and buildings
Manuale redatto dai membri della  Partnership dell’Agenda Urbana per l’Economia Circolare and Partnership dell’Agenda Urbana per l’Uso Sostenibile del Suolo

Circular Economy and industrial symbiosis: The role of the municipality of Prato within the EU Urban Agenda Partnership
Borsacchi L., Barberis V., Pinelli P., in The Organizing Commitee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference. The 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference. Actions for a sustainable world: from theory to practice. Book of papers, Messina, Italy,
13-15 June 2018

Quality Assesment and producers’ need analysis for the sustainable development of date palm cultivation in Jericho
Pinelli, P., Borsacchi, L. in Action for a Sustainable World: from Theory to Practice, Book of Paper ed. Organizing Committee of the ISDRS 2018 Conference

Coffee as Sustainable Commodity: A study to better understand the factors making coffee quality along the value chain
Borsacchi L., Pinelli P., in  XXVIII Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Merceologiche  p. 479-484, Laboratorio Phytolab (Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic, Food supplement Technology and Analysis) – DiSIA Università degli Studi di Firenze

The resilience of bergamot farmers to economic shocks in the Reggio Calabria Province
Ciani, F., Huggard J., & Zervas, T., Regions Magazine, 23-25.

Inclusive Development

Inclusive development as a basis to achieve shared development

Le potenzialità della ricerca emancipatoria nella pratica del lavoro con gli utenti
Aricprete C., Nannini M., Ciani F.,RIV Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione

Agency, participation in decision making and wellbeing among care leavers in care system: A quantitative mediation study
Pepe A., Biffi E., Montà M.C., Aricprete C., Biggeri M.,Children and Youth Services Review

Knowledge production and human rights enhancement: the role and potentialities of emancipatory disability research
Biggeri M., Ciani F., Griffo G., Deepak S., Research Handbook on Disability Policy

Estimating causal effects of community health financing via principal stratification
Noirjean S., Biggeri M., Forastiere L., Mealli F., Nannini M., Statistical Methods & Applications

Intersectionality and the assessment of gaps in social citizenship
Biggeri, M., Ciani, F., Francescutto A.;
EUROSHIP Working Paper no. 27.

Children as Capable Agents and Citizen: Empowering Children and Youthh
Biggeri, M., & Arciprete, C.
In Social Justice for Children in the South

Strumenti di valutazione per il case management degli interventi socio-educativi: un approccio basato sul capability framework
M. Russo, C. Arciprete

Health coverage and financial protection in Uganda: a political economy perspective
Nannini, M., Biggeri, M., & Putoto, G.
International journal of health policy and management

Children and the youth’s participation in research and decision making processes
Arciprete, C. and Biggeri, M. and Karkara, R., in The capability approach, empowerment and participation: concepts, methods and applications edited by David Clark, Mario Biggeri and Alexandre Aspan Frediani. Palgrave McMillan.

Emancipatory Research as Empowerment: An Illustration from a Research Study of Persons with Disabilities in Palestine
Biggeri, M. and Ciani, F. in “The Capability Approach, Empowerment and Participation”, edited by David Clark, Mario Biggeri and Alexandre Aspan Frediani. Palgrave McMillan.

The Capability Approach, Empowerment and Participation
Clark, D.; Biggeri, M. and Fredian, F., Palgrave Macmillan UK

Gender budgeting from a capability approach perspective: evidence from Senegal
Addabbo, T.; Arciprete, C.; Biggeri, M.; Picchio, A. in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Gender Research, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, 11-12 April 2019.

Re-framing child alternative care through the Capability Approach
Arciprete, C., Addabbo, T. and Biggeri, M. (2019)
Paper presentato alla Conferenza Annuale della  Human Development and Capability Association, 9-11 Settembre, Londra

La ricerca emancipatoria come strumento di empowerment, Un esempio applicato della disabilità nel contesto palestinese
Biggeri M., Ciani F.,  Ortali F., Minority Reports, Partecipazione e innovazione / Participation And Innovation

Assessing the feasibility of community health insurance in Uganda: A mixed-methods exploratory analysis
Biggeri, M., Nannini, M., & Putoto, G.
Social science & medicine

Disability in Palestine: findings and new perspectives from Emancipatory Research
Biggeri, M., Ciani F.
Journal of Universities and International development Cooperation, n°1, vol. 1

La partecipazione dei bambini alla luce dell’approccio delle capabilities
Arciprete, C. and Biggeri , M., in edito da Belloni, M.C., Bosisio, R. and Olagnero, M, Traguardo Infanzia, Benessere, partecipazione e cittadinanza , Academia University Press.

Educazione di qualità per tutti per uno sviluppo sostenibile
Arciprete, C. and Biggeri , M., in Diritto all’educazione e le pari opportunità per costruire consapevolezza conoscenza e futuro a cura di L. Luatti (Oxfam Italia).

The multidimensionality of child poverty: Evidence from Afghanistan
Trani J. F., Biggeri M., & Mauro V., Social Indicators Research, 391-416.

Missing dimensions of children’s well-being and well-becoming in education systems: capabilities and philosophy for children
Biggeri M., & Santi M., Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 373-395.

Children and the capability approach
Biggeri M., Ballet J. & Comim F. (Eds.) Palgrave Macmillan.

Rethinking policies for persons with disabilities through the capability approach: The case of the Tuscany Region
Biggeri, M., Bellanca N., Bonfanti, S., & Tanzj, L.,  ALTER-European Journal of Disability Research/Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap, 177-191.

Disabilities through the Capability Approach lens: Implications for public policies
Trani, J. F., Bakhshi, P., Bellanca N., Biggeri M., & Marchetta, F., ALTER-European Journal of Disability Research/Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap, 143-157.

Social Economy and Sustainability Management

Third sector, social entrepreneurship and social innovation

Motivations for Issuing Social Reports in Italian Voluntary Organizations
Manetti G., Bellucci M.,  Como E., Bagnoli L., Non Profit and Voluntary Sector Quaterly, vol. 48, pp. 360-3877

Rendicontare l’impatto sociale del terzo settore in Toscana: metodologie e indicatori
Bagnoli, L., Bellucci, M., Nitti, C., Chimirri, C., in Autori Vari. Secondo rapporto sul Terzo Settore in Toscana  pp. 109-122, Regione Toscana.

Rendincontare l’impatto sociale. Metodologie, indicatori e tre casi di sperimentazione in Toscana
Bellucci M., Nitti C., Chimirri C., Bagnoli L., Management Control, vol. 3, pp. 1-11

Accounting for social return on investment (SROI): The costs and benefits of family-centred care by the Ronald McDonald House Charities,
Bellucci M., Nitti C., Franchi S., Testi E., Bagnoli L., Social Enterprise Journal, pp. 46-75.

Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation: Ecosystems for Inclusion in Europe,
M. Biggeri, E. Testi, M. Bellucci, R. During and T. Persson (Eds.), Routledge, London.

Stakeholder Engagement and Sustainability Reporting,
M. Bellucci, Manetti G. (Eds.), Routledge, London.

Italian Social Enterprises at the Crossroads: Their Role in the Evolution of the Welfare State
Testi, E., Bellucci, M., Franchi, S., & Biggeri, M., VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 1-20.

Enabling ecosystems for social enterprises and social innovation: a capability approach perspective
Biggeri, M., Testi, E., & Bellucci, M., Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 299-306.

Facebook as a tool for supporting dialogic accounting? Evidence from large philanthropic foundations in the United States
Bellucci, M., & Manetti, G., Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 874-905.

The use of social media for engaging stakeholders in sustainability reporting
Manetti, G., & Bellucci, M., Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, p. 985-1011.

Investing in volunteering: Measuring social returns of volunteer recruitment, training and management
Manetti, G., Bellucci, M., Como, E., & Bagnoli, L., VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 2104-2129.

Performance measurement in solidarity economy organizations: The case of fair trade shops in Italy
Bellucci, M., Bagnoli, L., Biggeri, M., & Rinaldi, V., Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 25-59.

M&E and Impact Evaluation

Evaluate to increase effectiveness

Il metodo partecipativo del focus group strutturato: caratteristiche e applicazione
Biggeri, M., Ferrannini, A. and Arciprete, C., in M. Santi and D. Di Masi (Eds.), InDEeP University. Un progetto di ricerca partecipata per una Università inclusiva, Padova University Press, Padova.

Analisi del benessere e povertà multidimensionale nello sviluppo umano sostenibile
M. Biggeri, F. Maggino and V. Mauro (Eds.), Pacini Editore, Pisa.

Linking small-scale farmers to the durum wheat value chain in Ethiopia: Assessing the effects on production and wellbeing
Biggeri, M., Burchi, F., Ciani, F., & Herrmann, R., Food Policy, pp. 77-91.

Principal Score Methods: Assumptions, Extensions and Practical Considerations
Feller A., Mealli F., Miratrix L., Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics

Measuring and monitoring poverty and well-being: a new approach for the synthesis of multidimensionality
Mauro, V., Biggeri, M., & Maggino, F., Social Indicators Research, 1-15.

Identification and estimation of causal mechanisms in clustered encouragement designs: Disentangling bed nets using Bayesian principal stratification
Forastiere, L., Mealli, F., & VanderWeele, T. J., Journal of the American Statistical Association, 510-525.

The effectiveness of community-based rehabilitation programmes: an impact evaluation of a quasi-randomised trial
Mauro, V., Biggeri, M., Deepak, S., & Trani, J. F., Journal of epidemiology and community health, 1102-1108.

Identification of causal effects in the presence of nonignorable missing outcome values
Mattei, A., Mealli, F., & Pacini, B., Biometrics, 278-288.

Testing for household resilience to food insecurity: Evidence from Nicaragua
Ciani, F., & Romano, D., Conference Paper/ Presentation AgEcon Search

Using secondary outcomes to sharpen inference in randomized experiments with noncompliance
Mealli F., Pacini B., Journal of the American Statistical Association, 108, 1120-1131.

Surviving the genocide: the impact of the Rwandan genocide on child mortality
Ciani, F., & Giannelli, G. C., IZA Discussion Paper No. 7539, SSRN