maro biggeri progetti sviluppo inclusivo locale inclusive local development circular innovation innovazione circolare sociale conomy economia sociale arco arcolab ricerca research

Scientific Director

Mario Biggeri

Mario Biggeri is Full Professor in Applied Economics at the Department of Science for Economics and Business at the University of Florence. He has been a fellow of the Human Development and Capabilities Association since 2010. He is author and co-author of 21 books and over 50 publications in international scientific journals.

Mario Biggeri is also Vice-President of the Graduate Degree Course SECI – Sustainable Development, Cooperation and Conflict Management at the University of Florence. Since 2010 he has been a fellow of the Human Development and Capabilities Association. His research focuses on multidimensional analysis and measurement of sustainable human development processes and poverty, international cooperation, 2030 Agenda, impact assessments, capability approach, welfare of children and persons with disabilities, social innovation, collective action, evolution of informal activities and clustering of small and medium-sized enterprises, integral human development at local level .

He is the Scientific Director of ARCO (at PIN -Polo Universitario della Città di Prato) and of the Yunus Social Business Centre University of Florence. He is the Principal Investigator of the Horizon Europe SPES project – Sustainability performances, evidence and scenario – and of WP4 (Spoke 10) of THE Tuscany Health Ecosystem project financed by PNRR.


Scientific Director

Mail: mario.biggeri[at]