Social impact assessment of the Rapporti Corti project for socio-educational inclusion in the Navile district of Bologna

Title Rapporti Corti

Location Quartiere Navile, Bologna

Duration 2019-2024

Project leader Società Dolce

Framework  Fondo per il contrasto alla povertà educativa minorile – Bando “Un passo avanti”.

Partner ACER – Azienda Casa Emilia Romagna, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Arca di Noè, Comune di Bologna, La Baracca Testoni Ragazzi, Seneca

Funding Impresa sociale Con i Bambini



The Rapporti Corti project proposes a model of socio-educational intervention for minors aged 3 to 14 and their families living in fragile conditions in a circumscribed suburban context.

Rapporti Corti aims to generate a positive and structural change in the living context of minors and families living in Bologna in the Navile neighborhood area, through the development of parenting skills and inclusive and composite social relationships, following a non-welfarist but transitional logic.

The project is experimental in nature: it focuses on specific actions in a circumscribed context for a period of four years, so as to be able to test the long-term effectiveness of the intervention model and to obtain information useful for its improvement, also and above all for the purpose of making it replicable in similar contexts.

General Objective

The social impact assessment of the Rapporti Corti project aims to estimate the change generated in the long run on the well-being of the beneficiary minors and their households, as well as on the community of residents in the Corti of the public housing projects in the Navile District.

The social impact assessment strategy, as well as the M&E strategy developed by the University of Bologna, is an analytical and reflective tool to identify and model the intervention in order to make it effective and replicable in similar contexts.


Our contribution

The social impact evaluation strategy focuses on two closely related levels:

  • on the one hand it observes the effect of project actions on the individual dimension of the well-being of minors and their households
    on the other it delves into the change generated by the project on the collective dimension of the well-being of the residents of the Courts, considering the level of inclusion of families in the community and the progressive construction of a cohesive educational community.

Data collection directly involved only adult respondents. Information about children and their educational achievements, as well as the characteristics of their households, was collected through parents and pedagogical coordinators responsible for the project’s educational activities.

Thanks to the activities of Spazio Incontro, a place of aggregation and integration for the most isolated families within the Navile neighborhood that proposes outreach services, it was possible to collect important data on the development of neighborhood communities through a dedicated questionnaire.

Read more on the M&E and Impact Evaluation Unit